Where to start.
Abby is now 3 months old. Time is going by so fast! Abby slept through the night for the 1st time last night. It was amazing!!! She is smiling and "talking" now. She found her voice the other day and is definitely using it. She is trying to roll over, but it's a lot of work trying to roll all of her fat rolls :P Ok, she's not fat, but she is chunky. She is starting to laugh now as well. Mostly when I am about to feed her :P She generally gives a 6.5 hour stretch of sleep between feeds at night. Last night she went 8 hours. For me, sleeping through the night is considered 8 hours or more.
Kaiden's update. He is getting MUCH better about controlling his temper tantrums. It used to be 1 hour long tantrums. They are now down to about 5 minutes, if that. So a lot less stressful. He went to the genetic doc to look at some of the issues he has. Curved fingers, uneven ears, spots in his eyes, etc. From there he got sent to neurology for the 2 seizures he has had. That doc cleared him and said it likely wasn't seizures but a problem from prematurity. His nervous system shuts down with extreme emotion (could explain the long tantrums, trouble with transitioning between activities, etc.). Basically his system "glitches" for a few seconds before recovering. To make sure it's not a heart issue, he now has an appointment with cardiology. He also has an appt. pending for opthamology and audiology. His eye appt. is for the black spots he has been getting in his eyes. The audio is to make sure that his hearing isn't an issue due to the mismatched/uneven ears. I think it's fine, he's just a typical toddler that doesn't listen :P He did fail his first hearing test as a baby but then passed it the 2nd time. So we'll see.
Kayley update...This little girl cracks me up. One minute she is the sweetest girl, the next, she has hands on hips with a "you can't make me" attitude. She has the eye rolling, back talk thing down pretty well too. She is all set for when she becomes a teenager I guess :P She is writing a lot of letters now. She writes her name, but writes it backwards. The letters are facing the right way, but she writes from right to left instead of left to write. I guess if she lived in ancient times, she'd fit right in :) She is really starting to love being around Abby. Now that Abby interacts with her. She sings, rocks, plays with, talks to, kisses, and gives blankets to Abby. She loves playing mommy. I have to cut her off when she wants to feed Abby like mommy does though, lol.
Both kids are in summer camp for the next couple of weeks. They are loving it! I am loving the "break" too. It's not much of a break, as it is a chance for me to get things done around the house.
We're getting closer to retirement now. In one year the kids and I will be leaving DC and heading to Utah!!!! Considering how fast time is going by, this year should go by pretty quickly. The plan is still UT. but we're not entirely sure which area in UT. We still have some time to think about it.
Not really any travel plans this summer. This is the 1st summer we haven't done any major traveling since Clint and I have been married. He may head up to his family in NY for the weekend, but that's about it. We'll be doing another Great Wolf Lodge trip in the Fall. Then in Dec. we are going to Disney World :) For Christmas we will be going to Louisiana to be with my family. Clint still hasn't met my grandparents, and we've been married for over 6 years :P
I am at war with the scale. The pregnancy weight is just not coming off. I was under the impression that nursing helps you lose weight. I have talked to lots of BTDT moms and they have all said that it's not until about the 6th month that the weight comes off easier. Well lets hope so, because my body is fighting me big time on losing any weight. I have been working out a bunch, not over indulging in junk food, etc. I still don't fit in my regular clothes. But my "fat" clothes aren't as snug as they used to be. I know it's only been 3 months since Abby was born, I just have to remember that :)
We are all doing well, enjoying our kids, doing more fun things as a family and getting out more.
Take care everyone!