Monday, October 26, 2009

It's a.....

We had the ultrasound this morning. Wanted to get this put up real quick. She was very modest with her legs crossed and arms in front of her face. But we did (after an hour of measurements) finally get to see the "goods".
I have reached the halfway point in this pregnancy now :) I feel her kick quite often now. Her awake times are generally noon, 7pm, and 10pm. At least that's when I feel her the most anyway.
She's measuring about 6 days ahead of her due date. She did at the 11 week scan as well. So I am pretty sure she's going to be due a week earlier than what the docs think from the chart alone.
I have been feeling a lot better as far as morning sickness goes. Mostly just get nauseated easily.
When we came home, i told Kd he was going to have a little sister, he rubbed my belly and said "sister baby". I think he gets it. Of course, he rubs his belly and says he has a baby too :P
We went to a very neat place this last weekend, but I'll update later when I have the pictures loaded in the computer.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Meet and greet with the cast of Ace of Cakes

I don't know how many are familiar with the show Ace of Cakes. Basically, these guys make the best cakes. Today they made one for the troops and their families. Some friends and I decided to go see them and we got some cute pictures. I didn't actually get any cake though. By the time I got through the line for pictures, the cake was gone. Oh well. Anyway, enjoy :)

This is my 17 week belly shot. The baby is very active at night, hopefully that will change by the time s/he is born though. We are going to find out the gender afterall. My appt. is Oct. 26th. Take care!