Ok, we were waiting to announce the news until we got to have the first ultrasound with a heartbeat. Well, unfortunately, that may not happen. Instead I am asking for prayers and lots of them. Clint and I tried to get preggo off and on for 2 years and eventually had to get fertility help. So imagine our surprise when we got preggo this time after trying just 3 cycles. However....
I was in the ER all day today. I am supposed to be 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I started getting horrible cramps on my right side yesterday and it has progressively gotten worse. After no sleep I decided to go to the ER this morning.
They drew several vials of blood and urine sample. No bladder infection. Great, but I was not prepared for what followed. No one gave me the result of the lab, but I was sent upstairs for an ultrasound. The tech did her measurements and I asked if she saw the pregnancy. She said no, but she wasn't surprised with how low my numbers were. I had no idea my numbers were low. She said they were just over 300.
According to charts, at 24 days past ovulation (which I am), I should be over 540 and even averaging at 1000 right now. But I'm not. I'm just over 300. After several hours the doc comes in and says that they saw two "cyst" type things in my uterus. The doc said that it looks like it could be a molar pregnancy. I didn't think to question it because I was in shock. She said she couldn't see a gestational sac, just the cyst things. Ok. She said my numbers were really low and were what someone only a week to 2 weeks after conception should be, not someone that is 3 weeks after. She said I could also be experiencing an ectopic pregancy and that it's just too small to see on u/s.
She said to come back in Mon. for another blood draw and then had me set up an appt. for 11 am Mon. with the OB.
So I come home after 7 hours in the ER and lay down. Then the phone rings and it's a different doc from the ER. He's the one that actually put the order in for the u/s. Well he was calling to see if I had set up my appt. with the OB and asked what the other doc told me in the ER. Uh...wouldn't he know that??? So I told him about the cyst things and the numbers, etc. He then said that it is extremely unlikely that it is a molar pregnancy because usually HCG levels would be extremely high, not low. I asked about the cysts, and he said at 5 weeks you wouldn't really be able to see anything on u/s and that I would need to have numbers closer to 1000 to get an image. He said that the 2 "cysts" could very well be...TWINS!!!! UM, what the heck people, really??? I asked why the low numbers if it were to be twins, he said that's what concerns him. Arggg. He said HCG levels are meaningless unless there is something to compare it to. I would need another set drawn to see if the numbers double, or if they go down. I explained that I had my first + home pregnancy test last Mon. He said that worries him more, that I would get an HPT that soon and still have numbers this low. I asked about the likelihood of an ectopic. He said that would be more likely due to my number being that low in addition to the right sided cramping. But he said there was nothing visible in the tubes so we have to wait and see what happens.
So the waiting game is on, I go back Mon. to see if I am miscarrying or to see if the numbers have doubled like they should have.
Any prayers you can offer would be great.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Fun with photos
They had their 2 year check up last week. Kaiden weighs 24.2 lbs and is 34 inches tall, and Kayley weighs 23.8 lbs and is 34 inches tall as well. For some reason she looks bigger than Kaiden, but according to weights and measurments she's smaller. Go figure.
We're all doing well. We have had yet another cold. Which is really bad when mommy, daddy, and kids are sick!
I have been out to ride Bonita again. She decided she wanted to rip her horse blanket to shreds, so she's going to have to do without until next winter. At least she has an inside stall so it's not as cold for her. The blanket was for when she gets turned out, but now I'll have to invest in a blanket that doesn't rip so easily. This one was a cheapo blanket at least :P
Again, not much going on here. Same stuff, different day.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Nothing new to report....
Same stuff different day. Nothing major has come up, sorry for not posting. I just didn't have anything to post about.
I get to go on a vacation by myself with no kids! My brother Chad and his wife are having a baby! The baby is due in Feb. So in March I will be going out to California to go see the new baby. I'll also get to see some other family and friends. I am definately looking forward to it. Clint's mom will be coming up here to help Clint with the kids so that he doesn't have to take a ton of time off from work. We'll be needing those vacation days for this summer. We want to make another trip to NY. to see Clint's family again. The kids will be 2 years older than they were the last time they went out. So it'll be fun to see how they interact with everyone.
I was finally able to ride my horse last weekend. Bonita has come so far and is doing great. She was trained by the best! Thanks Joe and Cathi!
Clint's up for promotion again this year, so if you could all send lot's of prayers that he gets promoted, we could definately use them!
Update for Kaiden: That boy talks a lot! I think by the time he is 4 he will have mastered all the words in the dictionary. Ok, ok, maybe not all the words. He is doing amazingly well with them though. His latest phrase is "bix it" which is actually fix it. He is starting to use 3 and sometimes even 4 words sentences now. He is big in to hugs. Every hour or so he comes running up saying "hug hug" and just wants a quick hug and then he runs off playing. He says I love you mommy and Daddy now too. When Kayley does something she shouldn't Kaiden yells at her and says "top it Kayee" it's pretty funny. He looks just like mommy when he says it too.
Kayley update: She is basically done potty training. We just have to fine tune some areas. Overall though, she doesn't have many accidents, and if she does it's usually because we forgot to take her or she drank way too much. She is starting to copy everything I say now. She'll stand there and mimic my facial and hand gestures. Instead of yelling Kaiden when she is mad at him, she actually yells her own name. She is very much a drama queen. If something upsets her the whole neighborhood knows, I have no idea where she gets that from :P
Anyway, that's about all that's going on here. Boring stuff to report. Nope, I can't give you back the last 2 minutes of your life you used up reading this :)
I get to go on a vacation by myself with no kids! My brother Chad and his wife are having a baby! The baby is due in Feb. So in March I will be going out to California to go see the new baby. I'll also get to see some other family and friends. I am definately looking forward to it. Clint's mom will be coming up here to help Clint with the kids so that he doesn't have to take a ton of time off from work. We'll be needing those vacation days for this summer. We want to make another trip to NY. to see Clint's family again. The kids will be 2 years older than they were the last time they went out. So it'll be fun to see how they interact with everyone.
I was finally able to ride my horse last weekend. Bonita has come so far and is doing great. She was trained by the best! Thanks Joe and Cathi!
Clint's up for promotion again this year, so if you could all send lot's of prayers that he gets promoted, we could definately use them!
Update for Kaiden: That boy talks a lot! I think by the time he is 4 he will have mastered all the words in the dictionary. Ok, ok, maybe not all the words. He is doing amazingly well with them though. His latest phrase is "bix it" which is actually fix it. He is starting to use 3 and sometimes even 4 words sentences now. He is big in to hugs. Every hour or so he comes running up saying "hug hug" and just wants a quick hug and then he runs off playing. He says I love you mommy and Daddy now too. When Kayley does something she shouldn't Kaiden yells at her and says "top it Kayee" it's pretty funny. He looks just like mommy when he says it too.
Kayley update: She is basically done potty training. We just have to fine tune some areas. Overall though, she doesn't have many accidents, and if she does it's usually because we forgot to take her or she drank way too much. She is starting to copy everything I say now. She'll stand there and mimic my facial and hand gestures. Instead of yelling Kaiden when she is mad at him, she actually yells her own name. She is very much a drama queen. If something upsets her the whole neighborhood knows, I have no idea where she gets that from :P
Anyway, that's about all that's going on here. Boring stuff to report. Nope, I can't give you back the last 2 minutes of your life you used up reading this :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Kaiden and Kayley!
I can't believe the kiddos are 2 years old!!! We didn't go all out this year. Just a quiet evening at home. Well, almost quiet. While we were trying to get the stuff ready, Kaiden got a glimpse of his cake and FREAKED out. He wanted it so bad. He couldn't have it just yet though, so he had to go throw a fit in his room. Once he calmed down we brought him out. We got a couple of cute pics. They were better this year than last year. Just like last year though, Kayley wanted nothing to do with her cake. Oh well. Enjoy the pics :)

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