Things are getting better around here. We have several things lined up to get our minds off of our loss.
Sat. we are going to see Disney on Ice. I think I may enjoy that more than the kids though :) We will be meeting a fellow multiples mom and her kiddos and then afterwords go to lunch.
In March I am going to CA. from the 13th until the 26th. Clint's mom will be coming out here to help Clint with the kiddos. That way Clint won't have to take time off of work.
While in CA. I am going to get to see my brother Chad's new baby. She is due to be born any day now! Also while I am there my step-dad and I are going to go to Las Vegas. We've decided to be kids again while I'm down there. I wanted to treat him to a little bit, so we'll be going on the rides at the top of the Stratosphere hotel. I have always wanted to go there but the opportunity never came. Well, it's here now :) We will also go see a couple of shows.
My dad and some of my family from Utah will be driving down for one weekend I am out there, so it will be nice to see them! The other weekend I would like to go to Disneyland. My friend's dad helped build part of the new area there, so it will be nice to see his work.
In April, Thomas the Tank Engine will be here in Baltimore. The kids are obsessed with trains, so we figure they'd love to do that.
In between those main activities, the weather is starting to get warmer, so we can start venturing out more. We'll be going to the zoo, and other things around here. This summer the kiddos are going to start horseback riding lessons. Not much to teach them at this stage other than balance, which is kind of mandatory :P
We also want to go to NY. as well. We want to take the kiddos up to see Clint's family again. We haven't pinned down a time on that quite yet, but we're thinking around July.
The 20th of this month is our anniversary! We'll have been married for 5 years already!!!
We took the kids to the car show here on Sat. What a joke, we won't be doing that again! WAY too many people and the cost to get in and thanks! There were supposed to be characters like Dora and Diego as well as spiderman, etc. I didn't see any of them. Clint said he saw the ninja turtles, but I didn't. Which means the kids didn't. $12 for per ticket for Clint and I to get in as well as $15 for parking....that's not gonna happen again! I'm glad we got out of the house though. We went out to dinner after and had an ok time. The kids loved climbing in the cars, but when it came time to get out, they would freak out. Well, Kaiden would more than Kayley. Oh well, now we know.
Hope everyone is well.