Haven't posted in awhile, because there is nothing really tp post about.
Same stuff, different day.
The kids are putting words together a lot better now than before. Kd has learned how to tell on every little thing someone does (or doesn't do) to him.
We will be moving to a different house, same area, next month. Apparently this house is unsafe to live in due to crappy construction, possible black mold, etc. etc. We will be moving to a bigger house at least. Right now we are in a 3 story 3 bedroom house. We will be moving to a 2 story 4 bedroom house instead. It has a very nice backyard with the back right next to a playground.
The baby seems to be doing fine. I feel the little one move every day. My bladder is apparently a fun toy because the baby likes to kick it whenever it gets full. I still have some morning sickness, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. I have an OB appt. on the 2nd of Oct. It's just a quick check up and they'll give a referral for an ultrasound. It's supposed to be the "big" ultrasound for gender. I have been wanting it to be a surprise so bad, I just don't know if I can hold out! As of Sept. 27th I will be 16 weeks along (about 4 months).
That's about all I have for now. Sorry it wasn't much!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
This could get long...
On Aug. 4th the kids and I headed out to UT. That was the LONGEST 4.5 hours of my life. I would take Baghdad over that any day of the week! The kids screamed the entire time. Thankfully there was a couple of ladies on the plane that helped out. We got to UT. and I was feeling extremely sick. Morning sickness had hit me hard. It just so happened (I don't believe in coincidences, there is a reason for everything) that a family friend was visiting my parents from out of town. The one friend just so happened to be an OB/GYN. He could see how miserable I was and he was able to call in an Rx for the best medicine in the world...Zofran! I had taken that with the kiddos and it kept me from having to be hospitilized from the extreme morning sickness. I was concerned because each pill can run about $45-60 depending where you go. My insurance won't cover it. He had said they came out with a generic form, but I still wasn't sure insurance would cover it. I was willing to spend several hundred dollars for it anyway though. I brought my insurance card, and to my great relief I was able to get 2.5 month supply for only $6!!! It is the difference between night and day. Even with the zofran, I still have food aversions. Primarily meat. Just looking at meet makes me sick.
Anyway, so I spent the week with my family in UT. then we got on the plane, again, to CA. That flight was only 1 hr 45 minutes. The kids did AMAZING! No crying at all, they were happy and playing the whole time. While in CA. we stayed with Jody.
The kids had their pictures taken (the pics in the prior post), they got to see the B-2 bomber take off as they ate doughnuts (very rare treat), they got to go to the local fire station and even got to ride in the fire truck with lights and sirens going. The firefighters even gave the kiddos each a teddy bear. Then they got to tour the fire house. Kd talked about that trip for a week. He had so much fun with it. We got to hang out with my dear friend Donna and her cute little girl. She took over as "big sister" and was very helpful with the kiddos.
We also got to see my brother Chad, his wife, and their 6 month old daughter. The kids got to play in the little kiddie pool together at his house.
2 days after we got to CA. Kd started getting a runny nose. There was lots of wildfire smoke in the air, so I firgured that must have been the issue. I was wrong. 2 days after his runny nose, Ky and I got sick. 5 days in to the trip all of us had fevers, coughs, sore throats, the works. The last 2 days in CA. we were miserable and tried to relax as much as possible. Then we had to get on the plane (still sick). I had tried rescheduling the flight, but they wanted $150 per ticket transfer fee, each ticket only cost $167, so I was not about to pay that much money to transfer the dates.
We got back to UT. and surprisingly, the kids did extremely well on the flight.
We got to see our good friends that we met out in CO. when I was pregnant on bedrest with the kiddos. They have totally been adopted in to our family.
The kids and I, my dad, my brother and his kids, and 2 of my sisters all went on a hike up to a waterfall not far from my Dad's house. The kids loved it (well, until we had to leave and they didn't want to walk anymore).
We got to see my grandma, my cousin's wedding, went to several parks, etc.
We had a great time, but we were ready to go home. The trip was long and exhausting. Vacations are no longer vacations when kids are involved. Then add a pregnancy and hormones to the mix, and it can get ugly.
We all survived and Wed. we all got on the flight to head back home. The kiddos did great up until the last hour. They were tired and cranky. So was I! Clint met us at the airport and he had some flowers for me. Pregnancy hormones, fatigue, hunger, all of it caught up to me and I was in tears.
We got home later that night.
Now for the baby update:
While in UT. Cassie (sister-in-law) and I went to an ultrasound place and had them do a quick one on the baby. I was concerned with all of the traveling and cold medicine that something was wrong with the baby. We went in, and immediately saw that the baby was bouncing and kicking all over the place. The heart rate was nice and strong.
Yesterday I had my 12 week OB appt. They did a quick ultrasound and the baby was moving. Had a nice heart beat and looked great. They then listened for the heart rate with the doppler. We could hear it just fine, as well as the baby had hiccups. A little unusual this early according to the doc, but she said it's nothing to be concerned about. When babies are still in the uterus, they have practice breathing and actual hiccups, basically the diaphragm is just practicing for after birth. So it was a little odd that the baby had them this soon.
The doctor didn't seem concerned, so I'm not. They did the genetic screen (drew a bunch of my blood) and the good old papsmear (any guy that wants to complain that they have to turn their head and cough while being touched down there, may very well get punched in the face by me). My next appt. is Oct. 2nd, they'll just listen to the heartbeat and check my blood pressure and weight, nothing special. Then they will schedule me for the "BIG" ultrasound. Well, sorry to dissapoint, but we are not finding out the gender of this one. We have a boy and a girl and everything we need for the new baby. So there is no reason we have to find out the gender :)
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