Friday, September 25, 2009

Not much to report

Haven't posted in awhile, because there is nothing really tp post about.
Same stuff, different day.
The kids are putting words together a lot better now than before. Kd has learned how to tell on every little thing someone does (or doesn't do) to him.
We will be moving to a different house, same area, next month. Apparently this house is unsafe to live in due to crappy construction, possible black mold, etc. etc. We will be moving to a bigger house at least. Right now we are in a 3 story 3 bedroom house. We will be moving to a 2 story 4 bedroom house instead. It has a very nice backyard with the back right next to a playground.
The baby seems to be doing fine. I feel the little one move every day. My bladder is apparently a fun toy because the baby likes to kick it whenever it gets full. I still have some morning sickness, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. I have an OB appt. on the 2nd of Oct. It's just a quick check up and they'll give a referral for an ultrasound. It's supposed to be the "big" ultrasound for gender. I have been wanting it to be a surprise so bad, I just don't know if I can hold out! As of Sept. 27th I will be 16 weeks along (about 4 months).
That's about all I have for now. Sorry it wasn't much!

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