Well, here I am at 22 weeks. This last week has been quite the adventure. This baby is crazy active! She keeps sending my uterus into contractions. I went in to my OB appt. and instead of a quick check up, I was sent to Labor and Delivery to monitor the contractions. After several hours of fluids, cervical checks, and monitoring the baby's heartbeat, they sent me home. Looks like things are trying to repeat themselves down there. We could use lots of prayers that these contractions will stop and that I don't end up back on bedrest. Good news is the baby is doing great. We have decided on a name. Abigail Ruth (leaving out the last name for privacy). We'll call her Abby for short though. Things may change once we see her face when she is born. But for now, we're going to stick with Abigail.
Kayley is over her chicken pox. She has just a few scabs left. Kaiden is now in the window of, if he's going to get the pox, the spot will show up anytime.
We have decided that we are going to go ahead and retire from the military at Clint's 20 year mark. Which is technically Jan. 2012 but we can take paid leave starting in Sept. 2011. So less than 2 years left in the military!!! As of now we are looking in to retiring in Cedar City, UT. We're hoping to buy some land within the next 6 months or so, then have our own house built. We'll see though. Location was based on price, distance to my family, distance to airports to see Clint's family, and the fact that I am SO done with city life. If I could afford my own private Island I would jump on that! Since that's obviously not an option, I am going to go for the small town feel. We'll be just 6 hours away from family in CA. 3 hours away from family in SLC. and if we want to go to the city for anything, St. George is 45 min. away and Vegas only 2 hours away. We're definitely looking forward to stability and a place to call our own.