Thursday, February 25, 2010

Moving in the right direction...

So after having a ton of braxton hicks contractions, I had my OB appt. today.
The doc said I am 1 cm dialated, cervix is completely soft (necessary for baby to come out), and the baby's head is really low. We scheduled the c-section for March 9th. He said he doubts I will make it that long though. My last OB appt. is the 3rd. I am hoping Abby comes before the scheduled c-section though!
I still have tons of contractions. So I'm hoping, wishing, praying, that this baby comes sooner rather than later. At most though, 12 days!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jan. 2010 snowstorm and 35 week belly...

So we were right in the middle of the lovely snowstorm out here in DC. Here are some pics of that fun stuff. The tree you see laying on the ground, well, that tree is normally about 12 feet tall. Also included is my 35 week belly shot...