Thursday, February 25, 2010

Moving in the right direction...

So after having a ton of braxton hicks contractions, I had my OB appt. today.
The doc said I am 1 cm dialated, cervix is completely soft (necessary for baby to come out), and the baby's head is really low. We scheduled the c-section for March 9th. He said he doubts I will make it that long though. My last OB appt. is the 3rd. I am hoping Abby comes before the scheduled c-section though!
I still have tons of contractions. So I'm hoping, wishing, praying, that this baby comes sooner rather than later. At most though, 12 days!!!

1 comment:

Marce said...

OMG Amber, you are so ready, that is exciting. What a wonderful pregnancy this time :-) I'm happy for you and look forward to the beautiful introduction of your baby girl.

Good luck, HUGS from Marce