Thursday, October 9, 2008

Apr. through June 2008 review...

OK everyone, sorry it has been a while for posts. Things have been going very well. The kid are doing great. They definately keep me on my toes! They both say several words, can climb mountains (ok, well it seems like they can), and follow several commands. They play and fight with each other a lot more now.
Clint is coming back Aug. 8th, and we will be moving to Washington D.C. on the 1oth of Aug. We have a place to board my hourse, now we just have to find a place for us, otherwise we will be living in the stall with Bonita.

Ky was admitted to the hospital. We are home now but here is what happened...
She had been throwing up and having horrible diarrhea. She was at the doc on Thur. getting IV fluids. But after a couple days, she was getting more sick. Saturday night, she started throwing up dark red blood. Bright red blood would not have been as much of a concern because it would just mean her throat and esophagus were irritated. Dark red blood means that somewhere her stomach is bleeding, or the valve going into her stomach was bleeding. I won't use all the medical terms they used on me...luckily I have a medical background, otherwise I would have been clueless.
So around 11 on Saturday night, I called her on call ped and he said to get her to the ER right away. After being in the ER for 4 hours they had her started on more IV fluids and different medications to help ease the nausea and coat her stomach. Then they admitted her to the RTU (rapid treatment unit). Where she was put on more medication and given D5W (dextrose...sugar solution). This helped flush her system, while giving her some necessary nutrients. She didn't sleep at all during the night. She didn't finally get to sleep until about 5:30 am Sunday morning. But she kept getting awakened when they would come take her vitals.
Around noon they said to try giving her oral fluids (she was put on bowel rest, where no fluids or food were allowed orally). So after a couple hours with no throwing up, they said to give her some crackers, still no throwing up. Around 5:30 she had a normal BM (bowel movement). Well, normal texture, the color was like chalk. We then gave her more food, and she still had no issues. They discharged her at 6 pm.
She was exhausted. Given the sugar IV though, she was loopy. She would laugh weird, and just seemed drunk. So that's why she seems "normal" in the picture I posted below. You can see that she was still pretty pale. She was doing a little better at the time I took the pics.
Today she is doing A LOT better. She has been eating a little more, hasn't thrown up and hasn't had the diarrhea she had been having. The doc said that at some point today she could get bad again, but unless she just isn't drinking, then she should be ok now. So far so good. Thank you everyone for your prayers!!!

Well, the lab results came back and Kayley had Salmonella poisoning as well as campylobacter. I was in CA. at the time she was exposed, and so we can't really pin down where she got it from. Maybe when we had gone to a public pool and someone had pooped in the pool. Either way, she is doing great. She is happy and healthy and back to her old self again.

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