Thursday, October 9, 2008

When the going gets tough...

Ok OK, Kayley is doing well as far as no accidents today! Yup, all 8 times she went to the bathroom, she did so in the potty.
However, keeping her ON the potty is a WHOLE other story. I had to resort to a popsicle today just to keep her seated. At least she peed with that one!
I'm preparing myself for that step back, you see, today...she didn't poop. Which means tomorrow, we may not be so blessed as we were today.
I was not at my proudest moment today. I had a mommy breakdown. With all the stress, I finally lost it. I had my pitty party and now I am up on my feet again...we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Clint, he is my biggest sanity saver. I really don't know what I'd do without him. When he comes home from work, he does't skip a beat. He jumped right in to the potty training. I don't think that's what he really wanted to do. But I had had it. I couldn't take anymore. Maybe he sensed that and went with it.
My other problem, is when I take Ky in to the potty. Kd gets EXTREMELY jealous. He wants that attention. So today I decided I would try just having him in with us while I tried to get Ky to pee. That did absolutely no good. All that did was get Ky distracted and want to play. Ky is doing so well with not having so many accidents. I think it's more that we're trained, but not her. I don't care, I am saving a bunch of money on diapers! She hasn't been in a diaper in 4 days. She wears the pull ups at night and naps.
If nothing else, I am learning my daughter's cue's on when she needs to go. The problem is getting to her fast enough. I am not wanting to use timers to get her to go because the fear that we'll be out and about, and someone's timer will go off, and she'll just start peeing. I don't want a Pavlov experiment on my hands. He was the scientist that got the dog to salivate with a ringing of a bell. I don't want her peeing with the ringing of a bell!
Although I do have to use one from time to time if we are busy with something and can't see a clock.
So instead I have a log of all the times she pees and poops, and I try to guess when she needs to go again. My theory is that I can push her between times, by distracting her or whatever, so that the number of times she has to go get's less, but more comes out each time. So instead of every 45-60 min. I would love for 1.5-2 hrs. on a regular basis.
I guess right now, my main focus just needs to be getting all potties in the potty though

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