Friday, October 10, 2008

Ok, off the subject of potty, pee, and poo :P

How about a more pleasant topic!

Although it seems all my thoughts only consist of the above mentioned items these days. Other stuff is going on.

As you may have read, my horse really messed up her leg. It's healing very well. I actually got to go out and ride her a couple of nights ago. Just inside the arena. It went well considering her cut leg. Great training for her and for me. There were some other horses in there, and she didn't know them. Yet she did very nicely and paid attention to me...and the gate :) Something about horses and gates. It's bad practice to let the horse stop at the gate going in and out of the arena. So that's my biggest task I am working on with her. Getting her to only stop when I tell her to stop. Not when she wants to stop!

Clint is doing well. He is settling in at work. They kept saying they would be moving his office here on base this month, turns out it's not going to happen until sometime after the New Year. Am I surprised, not at all! He is heavy into this Fantasy Football thing they have online. I guess they pick several players they want as a "dream team" and when they play in real life, they can stack up points for his "dream team". The winner gets a prize. I think that's the true love of his life during football season!

Kayley is doing well in other areas beside the potty. The last couple of days she has been able to count to 10! Ok, not every number. But she'll fill in the blanks when I count to 10. She knows 1,2, 5, 6, 7, and 9. Very impressive I think for a 21 month old. She doesn't know as many words as Kaiden, but that doesn't mean she isn't just as smart! The fear that she may have autism is gone. She has definately caught up to her peers.

Kaiden is a riot! He has mastered the skill of jumping with both feet in the air. He had been working on that for a couple of months now. He is getting very good at puzzles. We have a wooden puzzle with 9 pieces, and he can get the thing put together in about 20 seconds. When we put them to bed at night, he'll say "night night" and blow us kisses and wave bye bye. When ever he notices a car, he yells "car...beep beep". Same with when he sees a cow, "cow...moo moo". Horse is still "sueie...neigh neigh". They love throwing a ball to each other, ok, more at each other.

For me, I am trying to master the skill of patience. I think my kids will have the entire dictionary memorized before that happens though ;) I am trying to get back to becoming me, not just mommy. There are times where I find myself asking, "what about me???" Of course, those thoughts always get interrupted by a screaming child or a child trying to capture my attention by playing peek-a-boo around the corner. I complained of how I had no life when I was a teenager. I was always bored. Not anymore! These 2 keep me going all day, and sometimes all night :)

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