March to June 2007
Well, we have reached the 3 month milestone.
Babies are now:
Able to lift head and chest up while laying on their tummies.
Starting to see their hands.
Sleeping minimum 6 hours at night but mostly 7.
Laughing and talking to people and toys.
Cry when they get bored (not so happy about that one)
Kayley can sit for a little bit without support.
They turn to familiar voices.
They don't startle as much.
They don't scream over a minor amount of stress (Very happy about that one)
They make noises to get my attention.
They bring their hands together.
They grasp objects if given to them.
They have more alert periods and want to play.
When on their tummies they can roll from side to side, but not all the way over yet.
That's all I can think of for now. As for Clint and I, we're doing well. We aren't nearly as stressed as we used to be, and are taking everything in stride now. The babies are on a great routine which makes thing a lot easier. This next week we are going to lengthen their feeding schedule by about 15 minutes. Our hope is to get them to a 4 hour schedule instead of 3. This may take a week to get them there, but with us adding small amounts of time every feeding, we should be able to accomplish this rather quickly. I get out to see my horse more frequently now, and Clint gets to go out and enjoy golfing again.
I am already planing my next trip, I am hoping to go to Utah at the end of May. The babies will be nearly 5 months old by then, I can't believe how time is starting to fly by. I tell ya, the "early" days with the NICU and hom O2 seemed to last forever, each day seemed like a week. Now it's the opposite.
Thank you to everyone who has sent us gifts for the babies and for us as well. It is so crazy how busy we get, that by the time we get some kind of a break, we have forgotten who sent what. I had a system in the beginning, but the kiddos decided to do away with that. So I apologize if you have not recieved a thank you card by now, please be patient, we'll get this thing down soon (maybe 18 years from now???)
Clint's brother Bob and his wife Rosanne came to visit us over Easter. They brought her mom, and their son Bobby. The weather was really bad, so we were house bound for a couple days. The guys had fun playing X-box the majority of the time. Luckily the weather is better today, so they will get to go out and get to see how nice the area is around here. Oy, the kiddo's have been extremely fussy. I think they are in a growth spurt because they are both eating full bottles now; they wer leaving about 1.5 oz. in every bottle. Well, as of yesterday, that has changed. Hey, no more wasted formula for a while now :)
Well, it was bound to happen at some point, we are just happy it didn't happen when they were smaller, otherwise they probably would have to be in the NICU again. They have a really bad cold, and as long as they are eating, we'll be ok. It's the wonderful stuffy nose, sore throats, coughing, and fatigue. I am not feeling nearly as bad as them, but I have the same symptoms, so I can know how to treat how they're feeling. We actually had to take them to the ER because the pediatric clinic had no openings yesterday, and since our kiddos are preemies, they suggested we bring them in to make sure they can be treated as soon as possible. I feel so bad for them, but this is life, and they are getting to build up their immunities that much faster. They are on a couple medications to treat their symptoms, so hopefully this won't last too long.
Last night we had a very big scare. I had just fed Kayley, and was working on feeding Kaiden, when out of nowhere, Kayley started gagging, and then this thick mucous mixed with formula came bubbling out of her mouth like a mini volcano. I put Kaiden down, by this point Kayely wasn't able to breath. I had one of the bulb syringe things the hospital gave us, and I had to use that to clear her airway. She had turned purple for over a minute, the bulb couldn't keep up with the stuff coming out of her. So I went to the hosipital in my car, cause it would have taken to long for an ambulance. By the time I get there, she was fine, smiling and everything. so the stupid triage guy looked at me like I was insane. They finally brought us in the back after 30 minutes. Then had me sit there another 15. When the doc came in all she did was listen to her lungs and say that it was just throw up, and sent me home. No labs, nothing. Nor did they take a sample of her stomach juices to see what could be going on. They didn't do crap. It was clear thick mucous, very thick, like the consitancy of gel, just stickier and slimier. She said there was nothing they can do. She set me up with an appointment in peds this morning, I didn't even bother going, they'll just tell me the same thing. They didn't even document everything the way I told them. They said it was green mucous, nope, they said that it was because of her cold. She's been over her cold for a couple days now, then they said, oh she is just throwing up and she'll be fine. Well the next time it happens, I am taking her to Memorial, the hospital they were born at.
If she does this again, I will definately go to memorial, I don't care if all she has is a cold, and it's Friday, so I can't go to Evans, she is not going back there. The worst part though, I can't just take her off post, I have to go to a military treatment facility first. Unless it's an emergency, in which case we go to the nearest ER. Well, if we just "happen" to be closer to Memorial, we'll go there. Ugg, I am quickly losing respect for any military doctor. The worst part, I used to work with them when I was in the military.
I have had it! These babies have been crying all day, through the night, so I caved. This is the thing I told everyone I wouldn't do, and I really meant it. With twins, I think all rules go out the window, and you just have to do what you can just to get by day to day. So here it is I confess, and if you want to bash my choices, take your opinions elsewhere, those that understand, thanks for not judging me.
After an ER trip, nonstop crying, throw-up, fussy eating, and more crying, I couldn't take it anymore. I have these Baby Einstein DVD's and I brought the TV and put it right in front of their swings, and hit play. They have their toys to play with too. I needed a break, and nothing, and I mean nothing, would calm them down. Well, it worked!! They love it, it's great that it is stimulating and they are learning from it, rather than mindless cartoons. I look at it this way, either I have to let them CIO or I give them stimulating DVD's. Unlike mom's with singletons, I have no choice to let one baby CIO if I am tending to another baby. It hurts, because you're always feeling like you're leaving one baby out when you're giving attention to the other. At least this way, they can "do" something instead of CIO. It's great, it's not going to be an all day thing, just long enough for me to pull it together, and get some chores done. It's already helped my girl to calm down and go to sleep.
They have only watched it for about 10 minutes, and the crying stopped after just 1-2 minutes of it playing. They are also sound asleep.
Well, we have been here for 3 years, and that's when families come up on orders to move to a different duty station. Clint's unit is overstrength in soldiers with his rank, and since we've been here the longest, we're up for the move. We have no idea where we'll be going, but it will likely be within the next 6 months. Good grief, moving with 6-10 month old twins is not what I had in mind...
We did the Walk America march yesterday. It was incredible. It was a beautiful day, about 74 degrees, and sunny skies. There was a pretty big turn out too. The walk took place in America the Beautiful park. This was the area that Katharine Lee Bates composed the famous patriotic song, "America the Beautiful."
The kiddos looked so cute in our new jogging stroller. They had on their cute little hats that Grandma and Grandpa (Clint's parents) gave them. Sorry, I didn't get pictures, but they looked like babies you would see in a commercial celebrating Spring. Ok, Ok, so I am a little baised there. They were absolutely adorable, and they had a great time. They got to see the world from a whole new perspective. They can sit forward facing in the stroller and they were talking and smiling the whole time. Unlike the rear facing car seat stroller.
I guess now that I have an all terrain stroller, I actually have to start exercing :)
Thank you everyone who donated. Your donations are helping to save babies lives.
Just wanted to share everything we've learned today. We had their Occupational and Physical therapist evaluations today, as well as their Well Baby.
Neuro: They did about 30 tests to determine where they are on the develomental curve for actual and adjusted age. Their actual age is 4 months, adjusted is 2 months 3 weeks. Adjusted for those that don't know is going by the date they were due to be born, and actual is going by the date they were born.
Kayley: Is at 96th percentile if using corrected age for motor skills, and 50th percentile for actual age. So she is right on target. Height, weight, and head size: 12lbs 11oz. and 23.82 in. Head (big head!) 42.1 cm. Her H &W is in the 25th percentile for actual age, and doing great on her growth curve, actually is gaining a little bit ahead of her curve. My little chunky monkey :P Her head is in the 75th percentile. She was the same while I was preggo.
Kaiden: My little genious boy. Is at at 98th for motor skills at corrected age and 75th for actual age. He is way ahead of the curve on that. Height, weight, and head size: 12lbs 2oz. 22.6 inches head 40.9 cm. They actually didn't have him able to show up on the curve. He is lower than the 5th percentile in H & W. His head is in the 25th. However he is still on the same growth curve with his H & W and is gaining like he is supposed to.
Their Doc said to start Kaiden on cereal because he has some reflux, but by spoon, not bottle. He said if that doesn't calm it down, then to do a trial on Soy to see if that helps. He said I could with Kayley, but only if she wants it. Right now she wants nothing to do with it, but Kaiden sure does. He opens his mouth for the next bite. So we'll do cereal now with him. He said just not to start other solids until they are 6 months though.
Kaiden also has mild torticollis. The therapist saide that it really isn't much to worry about. He just prefers to lay with his head one way over the other, but he looks in both directions. With some basic stretches, she said he'll be fine. We go back in 4 months.
They also had their shots today :(
This was my first Mothers Day :) Clint has been so amazing this weekend. We have been having some really hard times trying to get the kiddos to eat. The docs had us switch formula to soy, but that didn't fix the problem. They have really really bad stomach gas, that it hurts them so bad to eat. We tried the gas drops. Those didn't work. So the doc wanted us to come back in. He said to try Zantac for reflux. I know it isn't reflux, but we tried all we could think of so we tried it. That just made matters worse. The flavor is so horrible, I tried a taste of it, just a drop and I was gagging. I had to give an mL of it to them, not only did they gag and swallow more air in the process, but they started throwing it up. So much for that. We switched bottles and nipples. We are now using platex drop ins with the collapsable bags so that no air is swallowed. That seems to have helped a lot. Clint took over this weekend, I needed a break from fighting them the last 2 weeks. Well, of course they would do better with him feeding them. Come tomorrow, I am sure it will go back to fighting them to eat. The next step, if this doesn't work, is going to be a fomula that is partially digested so it's easier on their tummies. Well, the really bad part about that is that for a container that we normally buy would be about $10 per, well, this formula is $24!!! The don't even sell a bigger one. This container would only last 2 days. You can do the math...There is no way we could afford that! So please pray that the formula isn't the problem, that it's just gas that will go away in time.
Anyway, about Mothers Day. Clint took care of all the feeds this weekend, which allowed me to catch up on a lot of sleep. This morning he made a really big breakfast. Then the kiddos gave me a necklace, and Clint gave me two really pretty porcelin (no idea how to spell that) sculptures of a mothers hand holding a baby, one hand holds Kaiden, the other Kayley. Their names are engraved in the sculpture. I had a very good Mothers Day, take care everyone :)
Happy Mothers Day!!
We have word,
I am officially moving to Utah in Aug. Clint will have to report to Kuwait in Sept. We are so happy that he is going there, and not Korea. There is alot more to do in Kuwait, and he can travel around more. He will be going to a nice post, they have golf, swimming, etc. Best of all, there is no hostile activity where he will be. So, the fun of moving the 5th time in three years begins...
Here is a picture of Kaiden...just before he rolled over for the very first time yesterday. He was so cute. He has been trying to do it again, and gets mad at himself when he can't get over.
It has been awhile since I have updated. Like I mentioned, our comp crashed. I have the worst luck with computers.
Just before they turned 5 months Kaiden started to roll. He started to grab at objects, and he began to have full body giggles. The babies and I went to Utah to visit family and friends. My brothers Jason and Daniel were the best babysitters, and the kids love them! I got to go and do stuff by myself several times. They had their baby blessings at church by my Dad. Kaiden was quiet during his and I actually got to hear it. My dad did so good :) They baught him a cute outfit to wear too.
The last couple weeks he has developed sooo much! He rolls, and rolls, and rolls. I can't leave him alone for a minute because he will be across the living room floor. He grabs at everything; toys, my hair, the dogs hair. Our dog, Charlie, is very good about it. Instead of snipping at them he bites his own hair and pulls it out of the baby's hands. Kaiden is also eating baby food. As seen in the pictures, no bib in the world would have stopped that mess. He loves toys. He steals them from Kayley. He smiles at Kayley a lot, and will giggle at her every once in awhile. He scoots all over now too. He can lift his whole back end up, he can lift his whole front end up. Just not at the same time ;) He can stand up supported. He can also sit up with very little support now. We took the kids to see Shrek the 3rd and he watched the whole movie.
Ok I'll post more pics (they come out before this post).
Here is her update. We have figured out the differances in their schedules. Kaiden is develomentally about 4 weeks ahead of her.
Just last week she mastered the roll. LOL, she doesn't roll across the floor, she rolls in circles. She can lift up her back and front end. Like Kaiden, not at the same time. She laughs louder than Kaiden, and laughs more. She grabs at everything, but not really coordinated. She drools a lot, but no sign of teeth yet. She is always trying to get anyone's attention. She makes so many funny sounds, and sings along to the hymns in church. She is very vocal now. She isn't very fond of baby food either. Lately she has been fighting her bottles again. She puts her hands on her bottle and tries to hold it.
More pictures to come (seen before this entry).
Hi everyone!! Sorry it has been soooo long. After the computer crashed, we had to order a new one and it took 3 weeks to get here.
The updates on the babies are below. But here is the update on Clint and I.
Clint reports to Kuwait on August 29th. So since he gets 30 days leave prior to him leaving, we will be moving all our stuff to Utah on the 30th of July. Thankfully the Army will be paying and coming to pack up all our stuff. All we have to do is not let them pack stuff we will be needing right away when we get to Ut. Our stuff will most likely get there before we do. We leave Aug. 2nd to head west. My horse and trailer will be staying here so that my friend Joe can ride her for the year. While Clint is gone, I know I will have very little time to ride, that it could actually be unsafe to get on her if I can only ride every couple weeks or so. She has only been trained for a year, and is only 3 years old. So she needs more steady time on her. Then there's me. Because I had so many issues during the pregnancy, my pelvis split in half. So I am in physical therapy to repair the damage. As a result of the pelvic fracture, my "seat" has changed in the saddle. I have poor muscle tone to stay seated while she trots. So the year I am away from her, I will continue physical therapy.
Last week was my real practice for time without Clint. He was in the field doing military training and they don't come home during that time. So, without help, I managed my way through and got along well. At least in UT., I will have a lot of help. Lots of family and friends. I figure, if I can make it a week without help at all, then I will do fine for the year since I will have help. Ok OK, at least I keep telling myself that.
Clint is getting things ready at work to get us cleared from Fort Carson. We have to clear housing, medical records, phone, cable, bla bla bla. So there is a lot of stuff we have to do to get out of here.
We will be taking the truck and our camper. My step dad will be taking care of our truck and camper while Clint's gone. Since he is a mechanic, and a very good one at thet, he will make sure the truck stays up to date on fluids and such. A diesal truck sitting idle during the winter can be harsh on it when starting it up again, if it even starts.
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