Friday, October 24, 2008

At a loss...

Here is the problem. I don't really think the whole wait until they're ready thing applies here. I know she is "young" by many people's standards. But Kayley has shown signs that she is "ready" to potty train. I know several people cringe at the word "ready". Sorry about that. I have played with the whole EC thing since they were about 6 months, but was never consistent. It was more just to show what the potty is and get them used to the sounds of a flushing toilet.
We aren't working with Kaiden right now. 1 at a time thanks ;)
Well 3 weeks ago we started full time potty training with Kayley. We did 2 weeks and she was doing well, but she she started getting stubborn and throwing a fit just to sit on the potty. We were having days in a row with no accidents with pee and just poop accidents. We put her in underwear all day except when napping and night time, which we'll put her in pull ups for. So at the end of 2 weeks, the rebellion started, and we took a few 5 days off. But she started saying "I pee pee" "I stinky" and "ew" everytime she had to go. So we started back up with the training again.
What we do is take her to the little potty, because she won't stay on the big one. With some help with warm water on her feet she'll go right away. Several times, she's go without any help, and she'll fill up the potty with all her pee. So I know she has bladder control. Sometimes I just have to say is go pee pee and she'll go right then and there. Then we take the pee and put it in the big potty, flush it, and wave bye bye.
She has accidents every once in a while with the pee, but over all I think she is doing great for just 3 weeks of it.
Now my concern is the poop. She has NO problem pooping in her undies. She knows what she's done, because when she's done she would walk up and say "stinky". Well after the break we took, she doesn't say it after she goes anymore. Only if we find out what she's done. Then she starts crying saying "stinky". She refuses to go on the potty with the poop. We can sit there for 20 min. and nothing. As soon as we let her out, she poops right away. I thought, well maybe it's the whole comfort of something on the waist. Well, not so. She has no problem pooping without undies on, with undies on, in pull ups, no pull ups. It doesn't matter. This girl poops fast! By the time we get to her when we see her trying to go, she's already done. I have tried showing her where poop goes, either big potty, little potty. Doesn't seem to matter.
This isn't a matter of her getting constipated either. Kayley poops like 3 times a day, at least. So giving her something to help her go, would do more damage than good.
I am really at a loss on what to do next. I have a potty in the play area, and she'll sit on it without me "making" her for 30 min. Then go walk away and poop. We have a potty in the bathroom, and a couple times DH has just let her run around in there, and she'll squat and start to go and he'll rush her to the potty and she'll finish it off. But for some reason, she won't do it for me. Heck, she'll even sit on the big potty to finish off her poops with him, but won't for me.
So what do I do now? DH can't be home, he works, but when he is here, he will usually take over. I tried going in with him while we wait for her to poop, but she won't. As soon as I walk out she will.

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