Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween continued...

So today was pretty fun. We went to the playground across the street to play before the trick or treater's came. That's where that picture came from.

Then after dinner, I took Kaiden out to trick or treat. He was having SO much fun. He would run up to the house and say "teeotee" then grab the candy and put it in his bag. He was laughing and trying to keep up with the big kids that kept running past. I didn't take Kayley because Clint stayed here to pass out candy, and I didn't want to stress with both of them. It worked out well though. Kayley was the one putting the candy in the bags of the kids. She would laugh, then the next one would come and she eagerly put it in the next bag. Of course, she kept trying to steal some for herself. Turns out it was a good thing I took Kaiden, because we wouldn't have had enough candy to pass out otherwise. We basically just recycled the candy. I don't need the extra calories anyway :)

Potty training and Halloween don't mix by the way. Kayley had 2 pee accidents while we were busy with the trick or treater's, and I was gone with Kaiden. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.

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