2007 Footnotes...
Jan. to March...
My twins are here after 35 weeks of pregnancy. They were born by c-section after problems associated with preecclampsia, twin discordancy, and kidney infections. They were born Jan. 2, 2007 at 4:33 pm. The babies go to the NICU due to prematurity. Kayley had fluid in her lungs and had to be suctioned out after birth. She also had to have TPN (total parental nutrition) which is a special IV mixture made specifically for her in Denver, then flown down to where we live. She also had to have sugar IV's because of low blood sugar. Kaiden had low blood sugar, but did not have the same complications as Kayley.
The babies came home after 20 days in the NICU. They are off everything, except their oxygen. They will come off oxygen as soon as their oxygen levels in their blood stay above 92% Right now they are at about 86%.
Clint's parents come from North Carolina to see and help with the babies. They have been great! They help with every feeding, and spend lots of time with the babies. It's going to be fun unspoiling them now ;)
After a day of nothing but screaming by both babies, we tried everything to calm them. Nothing worked. Finally we decided to let them yell at each other, since we were too exhausted to tend to their cries. Well, the opposite happened, the second we laid them next to each other, they calmed down, and started talking to each other. We couldn't believe it, that was the most quiet they had been all day.
Wow, Kayley has hit quite the growth spurt! For the last few days she has been fussing, screaming, and always hungry. Well, one day she was wearing newborn clothes, the very next day, she outgrew them all!! She is now over 9 lbs (remember she started at 5 lbs 4 oz. after the normal newborn weight loss). She is starting to interact by kicking her legs when she is excited, when she is with her brother, and when she knows she is about to eat. She is also starting to "coo" a little. She is doing great, and went from eating 3 oz. every 3 hours, and in one day went up to 4 oz. ever 3.5 hours. Last night they both slept for 5 hours! It was great to get more than a 2 hour stretch between meals.
Well, the very next day, our little man decided Kayley will not outdo him, and he hit the same growth spurt. He went from wearing newborn diapers one day, to wearing size 1's the next! Good thing I had extra's while I was out running errands, otherwise it could have been pretty ugly! He still fits the newborns clothes, because he is just over 8 lbs. now. He started out at 3lbs. 11 oz. after the normal weight loss. He, like his sister, interacts with people. He is actually more talkative. When the 2 are together, he does all the talking, and she just watches him. When they cry, she'll stop and let him do all the crying. It's so funny watching them start to interact with their environment. They have started "seeing" toys now. Before they didn't even look at them too much. Now, they'll stare at black and white toys, and those with bright primary colors.
Wow, after the night we had last night with "teething behavior" this morning I was rewarded with a very cute smile. I thought, no way, that's just a coincidence. Nope, she smiled again when I smiled at her. LOL, I still thought, it's just me. Nope, After her bath and being fed, she was in her swing, and I started smiling and talking to her again, and she smiled, again!! I am so thrilled, at least I got my reward for the bad teething behavior last night ;)
Grandy (my mom) came out to visit from California for a few days. We had a great time, even got to see a movie with the babies. They were great, and she was lots of help.
Oh man, I can't remember the last time Clint and I slept so well. They gave a good 6 hour stretch of sleep last night. So Clint taking the last feed, and me taking the 1st feed, we both got about 9 hours of sleep, man did that feel good!!! We went from getting about maybe 2 hour stretches, to 6 hours between meals. Life is good!
Well, I made the trek (long drive!!) from CO. to CA. for my brothers wedding. I left Wed. and got here Thursday afternoon. The babies were so good the entire trip! I was all by myself the whole time. I had to keep checking to make sure the kiddos were really back there, they were so quiet. OMGoodness, they made up for it big time when they got here though! They both cried inconsolably for 6 hours strait. I finally just had to shut the door and let them cry it out. Hehe, I had just told everyone how good my kiddos are, and then we get here, and they made me look like a liar! Surprise, surprise. Used to be we would tell everyone how they cried all the time, but when they would come over to see the babies, they didn't cry at all. Oy, guess that's life.
The kiddo's got to see their Grandpa Jody and he was so helpful with them. Especially since Clint didn't fly down for a couple days later. We had a good time with Jody.
Wanted to share my little cuties all dressed up for photo's. I will be sending out this and a couple other photo's to our family and friends. Take care.
ETA: The babies had a weigh in before their shots. Here are the weights:
Kayley: lowest weight 5 lbs 4 oz. Currently 10 lbs 5 oz.
Kaiden: lowest weight 3 lbs 11 oz. Currently 9 lbs 13 oz.
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