Ok, so we live in military housing, but we live in the newer homes. Well, for some reason, the newer homes have bad mouse problems, whereas the older ones don’t. Well, we have lived here for a year, and have not had one rodent problem. At least not until 5 days ago.
We have 2 cats, both are declawed in the front, but hunt all the bugs and eat them, so we thought they would be good mouse hunters. We didn’t even know we had a mouse until my cat came out from around the corner with it in her mouth. We thought “YES! Go Ginger” What does the cat do??? She drops it and lets it get away. Apparently it is a toy. So we watch our cats the next day, they kept eyeing different areas of the house where this little stinker kept running. I figured we needed to pull mouse detail and find and clean where this mouse has been. HOLY CRAP!!! This little guy has been all over. Tore open bags of rice, baby cereal, and yes, even hot chocolate packets. Luckily I hadn’t been feeding the baby cereal to my kiddos. Anyway, so then we saw the cats looking under the oven in the broiler. Sure enough, mouse droppings. We then saw them eyeing down the laundry closet. Yup, droppings. So we decided to pull out the washer and dryer. Well sure enough there was a little mouse hiding in the corner. SO we called our cat over thinking she would catch it. NOPE! The mouse jumped at her, and she bolted, the other way. She was more afraid of that mouse than he was of my cat! So, the mouse bolts into the hot water heater closet. There is no way in the world we could even begin to try to scare it out. Sure enough there are days worth of droppings back there. Plus a nice size whole in the wall where the stupid gov’t. contractors didn’t seal it. So now we know where the mouse is coming from. The problem is that there is no way to get back behind the heater to close it off. So we sealed the door instead.
I am against killing an animal if there is a possibility of catching and releasing it. So we got some humane live mouse traps, where it has a ramp they can go in, but can’t get out. We got three of them. So last night we put the traps out, one in the broiler, laundry, and pantry. This morning we had caught the mouse!!! I was so happy that we didn’t have to kill him. I took the trap drove about a mile from here, and opened it for the little guy to get out.
That darn mouse ran straight for the van and ran up the tire, and is now somewhere under the hood. So now, the stupid, or smart (depending on how you look at it) mouse hitched a ride back to our house. So either I have brought him back into the house, therefore the whole catch and release effort was pointless; or I have killed the mouse because of him hiding in the engine, therefore completely destroying my whole effort of not wanting to kill an animal if it can be released. Uggghh. I guess we’ll see what that mouse decides to do tonight. So far, the mouse is winning.
Today the kiddos turned 6 months old. We went to their well baby exam. Here are the current height and weight:
Kayley: 14lbs 15 oz. and 26 inches
Kaiden: 14 lbs 6 oz. 25.5 inches
The doc said thatthey have both hit a growth spurt. They are right on target in every area of development.
A couple of disturbing things were mentioned.
Since Kaiden's head is really shifting (he has a flat spot), and his soft spot is closing, which could be causing the shifting problems. The doc put in a referral in for the neurosurgeon. There could be some deformities that may get worse due to the way the skull plates are moving into. He will most likely have to wear a helmit to put pressure in the spots that will make his head go back to normal. Or worst case scenario, he may need surgery on his skull to shift the plates to their normal positions.
Kayley has a birthmark on her leg that is supposed to stay the same size, as she gets bigger, it's supposed to appear as though the birthmark is getting smaller. Unfortunately it has almost doubled in size. So now we have to take her to a specialist so that they can make sure that it isn't some type of skin cancer. That's worse case scenario. More than likely it isn't. Hopefully.
They had their shots today too, so they are so sleepy and have slept since their appt. at 11. It is now 5:30. Poor babies.
Kaiden has made several accomplishments the last couple days. He gets on all 4's and bounces back and forth. He is trying so hard to crawl.
Kayley sticks out her tongue at everyone now. It's cute now, but maybe not later :)
Well we just got back from Denver. It took 1.5 hours there, waiting for 2 hours for the doc cause he was way behind and the secretary had overbooked several patients. Anyway:
When the doc saw him he said his case is so mild that he wouldn't recommend any treatment, and that by 9 months it should correct itself. He said it won't be 100% though. As far as his soft spot, he said for some babies the soft spot is really small, but that the sutures are still there and aren't overlapping.
Well, we just had Kayley's dermatology appt. and the doc thinks that it is safest to have it removed. He said it isn't actually a birthmark, it just happened to be there at birth. He said instead of staying the same size like birthmarks do, this one will keep growing as she grows. It could get as big as a credit card. He also said these things are like a ticking timb bomb, you never know if and when they will become something to really be worried about. Also, due to scarring it is better to remove it at a younger age when the thing is smaller. He said he couldn't absulutely rule out that it could be a type of cancer, especially since it has an abnormal shape and is already bigger than the size of an eraser. So when we get to UT. we will have to find a surgeon so that he can keep a close eye on it to make sure it is removed if it starts to look really bad. Anyway, thanks for all of your prayers. Take care :)
Hey all! We are very busy with the move but got to spend several hours relaxing at a picnic for all the babies that graduated out of the NICU. The 2 twin boys with our kids are a friend of mine's. Her and I were pregnant together with twins, ended up in the hospital on bedrest together for 3 weeks, and our kids were in the NICU with ours for 3 weeks (her's were in a lot longer though). Anyway, these kiddos have been going through every developmental milestone together, and this is the first time we were able to get pictures of them. The baby playing with Kayley is her first "boyfriend" lol, but she isn't his first girlfriend ;)
Well, everything is packed and on it's way to a storage facility in UT. When we find a place, the military will move it in for us. We will be heading out midmorning today (Wed.) instead of the planned Thurs. We had to stay in the worst hotel, worse than the Bates Motel from Psycho. The sad part, is this "inn" as the Army calls it, is for out of town guests. We have been here since Mon. afternoon. We should be at our destination tonight, and hopefully in the next week, we will find a place to live. My Dad has offered up his home for us to stay in until we find a place. The kids are stressed out, they cry more and fight sleep more. They aren't happy about being cooped up in an unfamiliar place. Neither are we. That's all I have for now, I will update when we get more settled in.
Well, we found a home and it is very comfortable. The kids love it, they have a huge room that is just for baby toys and the babies. It is a 4 bed 3 bath, living room, family room, house. Very nice looking too. So we are now unpacking and getting settled in. We will be heading to NY next week to see Clint's friends and family. We will be gone a week and then Clint leaves the 29th.
WOW! Kaiden crawls...fast! He is all over the place and we are very fortunate that we found a place when we did. The camper bunk no longer contains him anymore. They are starting to mutter "da-da" and "mama" But it doesn't come close to sounding distinct. It sounds more like "ehdededede" and "ahmememema" and Kaiden does it more than Kayley. She however makes some very cute babble and cooing noises as she is learning to combine different vocal sounds together. Kayley isn't crawling, yet, but she is very close. Kaiden will crawl to a stair and stand up, but his legs are so far apart that he starts shaking, he then gets mad because he doesn't have the strength to bring his legs together while standing. Other than that, things are going well, and we are a lot less stressed since we have found a place. We don't have internet right now, and won't for several days, so I am using my Dad's internet for updates.
Well, have you ever tried to stop a mac truck...because that's what Kaiden has become. He learned to crawl not 2 weeks ago, could pull himself to a standing position a couple days after that, and now...he can climb stairs. We were so not ready for that. We figured a couple more weeks. Yeah right. He climbed 4 stairs in just a couple minutes. The 1st 2 we didn't even realize it. We had gone to the kitchen to make some bottles, and we looked down to see what they were up to and by that point he had already climbed 3 and did the 4th one while we were watching. This is crazy, this boy is going to be walking before 10 months old, and I am not looking forward to that just yet.
LOL, the first time I went to NY I was 23, my kids get to go at 7 months :) We had a great time. Clint's brother Bob hosted us while we "made the rounds" with all the family and friends. The kiddos grandparents from NC drove all the way up too. The flights out there weren't too bad. We had 3 of them! The 1st one, the kiddos were a little fussy, but the next 2 they slept the rest of the way there. The first day, all the boys went to a place called Lasertron. They got to play war with each other. Apparently the little kids were taking out the "big kids" (though they would never admit it). The next day we just hung out and the guys played X-box games. Sunday Bob's family hosted a farewell for Clint and a lot of his friends that he grew up with were there as well as a ton of family! Grandparents and other family took the kiddos so we could visit. I still think that was mine and Clint's chance to get away for a few days and ditch the kids ;) The kids also got to meet there Great Grandma Ivy. She was so happy to see them, and the kids were having a great time with her. The kids also went swimming for the 1st time. Bob has a very nice salt water heated pool, so it was really easy on their skin. They had a blast!
The flight home was awful. The delays, not the kids. They were really good considering we had 2 hours worth of delays. We didn't even get home until 2 am!
Wow, so things have been crazy lately. Very busy. Clint left 2 weeks ago for Kuwait. He calls every couple days. Everything is fine on his end. He is still waiting for his own room. While he is still settling in, and doing his briefings, he is on a waiting list to get a room. So our phone calls haven't exactly been private, since he has to use the one in the hall.
The kids are doing well. Kayley is finally crawling on all 4's and not doing the army crawl. They are on solids now, they couldn't for awhile because they had problems digesting it. The doc gave them some medicine to get things moving along, and now they aren't having problems. Well, except that even after stopping the medicine Kaiden is still pooping around 5-7 times a day!!!!!! Ugggh. They are bored with the stage one foods that are like liquid, so now they are getting stage 2 with more texture. They love it. They are eating finger foods now too. Kayley got her 3rd and 4th tooth a couple days ago. It the top middle front teeth. Kaiden is about to get one of those. They are best buddies, lol and some sibling rivalry. They laugh and play with each other, mimic each other...which is not so fun when they mimic crying! They play together, and steal each others toys, which results in temper tantrums. Kayley hit a growth spurt and is quite a bit bigger than Kaiden now.
We have been referred to a surgeon for Kayley's mark on her leg. So we'll see what the plan is from there. The appt. isn't until the 28th. They are crawling and climbing over everything. Kayley can stand unsupported for a few seconds now. Kaiden is walking along furniture and transfers from couch to table without sitting down to do so. I give him maybe a month before he is walking!
So we went to Kayley's surgical appointment today. The doctor is worried about the mark on her leg. She fears it is melanoma, and wants to remove it immediately. Kayley is set for surgery on Monday Oct. 8th where she will undergo general anesthesia. The Doc doesn't want to biopsy it, she wants to get it off of her as soon as possible, which would be the 8th. The Doc also said that even if the thing isn't Melanoma now, that they almost always turn into it. So please say lots of prayers for Kayley and her surgery.
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